Job prioritization

By default, jobs are dispatched (taken from the queue and assigned to an agent) on a first-in-first-out basis. However, job priority and pipeline upload time can affect that order.

Prioritizing specific jobs

Job priority is 0 by default, you can prioritize or deprioritize jobs by assigning them a higher or lower integer value. For example:

  - command: ""
    priority: -1
  - command: ""
    priority: 1

Job priority is considered before jobs are dispatched to agent queues, so jobs with higher priority are assigned before jobs with lower priority, regardless of which has been longest in the queue. Priority only applies to command jobs, including plugin commands.

Prioritizing whole builds

The priority key can be set as a top-level value, which applies it to all steps in the pipeline that do not have their own priority key set. This is useful when an entire pipeline requires a higher priority than others. For example:

priority: 100
  - label: "emergency fix"
    command: ""
  - wait: ~
  - label: "this can wait"
    command: ""
    priority: 1

The emergency fix step runs before any step of any other running pipeline within your organization, unless one of these other pipeline steps has a priority greater than 100. If all available agents are running jobs, an appropriate agent will run the emergency fix step only after its current job completes running.

Prioritizing whole builds comes in handy when you need to reduce the number of agents (for example, to reduce costs over a weekend due to fewer available team members) but want to ensure any builds created on a critical pipeline are not left waiting for agents to run their jobs.

Job dispatch precedence

Jobs are dispatched in the following order:

  1. Job priority in descending order, highest number to lowest (priority)
  2. Date and time scheduled in ascending order, oldest to most recent (scheduled_at). Note that jobs inherit scheduled_at from pipeline upload jobs, meaning jobs that are uploaded by a pipeline in an older build will be dispatched before builds created after that, and the value of scheduled_at cannot be modified.
  3. Upload order in pipeline, first to last.
  4. Internal id in ascending order, used as a tie breaker if all other value are the same, meaning older jobs will be dispatched first.


Here's an example of prioritizing jobs running on a default branch before pull request jobs:

- label: ":pipeline:"
  agents: {queue: uploaders}
  command: |
      export PRIORITY=1
      export PRIORITY=0
    buildkite-agent pipeline upload <<YAML
    - label: priority $${PRIORITY}
      command: sleep 3
      priority: $${PRIORITY}